This website was designed and created by interaction designer, Danielle Perez. All the contents of this website were part of classes taken at Santa Monica College in Southern California, but will focus on her current pursuit of in Bachelor's in Interaction design (IXD).
Midterm Storytelling
Week 9 - October 24th, 2024
By Danielle Perez
In a team of 3, we randomly choose 3 cards from distinct categories about object features and world elements for our team to use to create a story. The elements of our object were comprised of an object, archetype, attribution, and action. Our thing from the future is a hand held object that takes the form a retail signage as it's archetype. The attribution and action of the object to exist in as part of a collaborative environment and to customize. The two world elements random choose were discipline and exhilaration 10 years from now. Our thing from the future will live in a world 10 years from now, the society is structure by discipline and they collectively feel exhilaration.
Here is a presentation of our story